Dr Mike Fay
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Prof Mike Fay

Prof Mike Fay
MBChB, FRACP, FRANZCR, PhD, Radiation Oncologist

Expanding treatment options for patients with resistant and hard to treat cancers is my passion and mission.

Languages spoken



Clinical interests in theranostics, plus gastrointestinal, skin, and lung cancers, neuro-oncology, and palliative care

Prof Fay trained in medical oncology and moved to radiation oncology with research interests in lung and neuro-oncology. He completed his undergraduate degree in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Otago, where he also completed his PhD.

Prof Fay has worked in 36 hospitals across five countries, including the US, Germany, UK, New Zealand and Australia and is also the Chief Medical Officer at AdvanCell Isotopes.

Funded by the Mark Hughes Foundation, Prof Fay was named as the inaugural recipient of a three-year HMRI Mid-Career Research Fellowship, dedicated to brain cancer. In addition, Prof Fay won a prize from the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR) for his research study on predicting toxicity from radiation therapy, which was published in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology and Physics.

Research interests

  • Prof Fay's research interests include lung and neuro-oncology with a focus on brain tumours. He is the principal investigator in a number of international cancer trials and collaborations with Canada, the UK and Germany. His research spans across several modalities including PET imagery, MRI imaging and developing multiplexed neuro-imaging techniques. Prof Fay is a lead researcher in a NCIC trial into brain tumour treatment in elderly patients.
  • One of Prof Fay's current research projects is supporting centres on developing a new PET tracer for use in brain tumours.

Professional memberships

Prof Fay is a member of ASCO, ASTRO and COGNO and on the editorial board of The Journal of Translational Lung Cancer Research.


  • DNA damage repair in glioblastoma: current perspectives on its role in tumour progression, treatment resistance and PIKKing potential therapeutic targets. Mathew Lozinski, Nikola A. Bowden, Moira C. Graves, Michael Fay & Paul A. Tooney. Cellular Oncology (2021). Read here.
  • Short-Course Radiation plus Temozolomide in Elderly Patients with Glioblastoma. James R. Perry, M.D., Normand Laperriere, M.D., Christopher J. O’Callaghan, D.V.M., Alba A. Brandes, M.D., Johan Menten, M.D., Claire Phillips, M.B., B.S., Michael Fay, M.B., Ch.B., Ryo Nishikawa, M.D., J. Gregory Cairncross, M.D., Wilson Roa, M.D., David Osoba, M.D., John P. Rossiter, M.B., B.Ch., et al., for the Trial Investigators. The New England Journal of Medicine (March 2017) Read here.
  • R. J. Head, M. F. Fay, L. Cosgrove, K. Y. C. Fung, D. Rundle-Thiele & J. H. Martin (2017) Persistence of DNA adducts, hypermutation and acquisition of cellular resistance to alkylating agents in glioblastoma, Cancer Biology & Therapy, 18:12, 917-926, Read here.
  • Valproate in Adjuvant Glioblastoma Treatment. DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2016.67.2162  Journal of Clinical Oncology 34, no. 25 (September 01, 2016) 3105-3107. Published online June 13, 2016. PMID: 2729840
  • PET, MRI, and simultaneous PET/MRI in the development of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for glioma. Simon Puttick, Christopher Bell, Nicholas Dowson, Stephen Rose, Michael Fay. Read here.