1. Introduction

GenesisCare is committed to treating personal information about its staff with respect, and to ensuring the collection and use of such personal information complies with relevant federal and state privacy laws including those set out under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).

2. Purpose

The purpose of this notice is to describe how we, GenesisCare and/or its affiliated companies (GenesisCare, we, our, us), collect and manage personal information about prospective, current and former staff in Australia. 

3. Scope

For the purposes of this notice, ‘staff’ includes employees, contractors (including visiting medical officers), licensees, labour hire or agency placements, clinical placements, locums, honorary position holders, secondees, students, trainees, interns, those carrying out work experience and volunteers in Australia.

This notice should be read in conjunction with the following related documents: GenesisCare Privacy Policy – Australia.

4. What information do we collect?

The Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) defines ‘personal Information’ as information or an opinion about an identified individual, or an individual who is reasonably identifiable, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not.

Depending on the nature and status of your working relationship with GenesisCare, the personal information we collect about you may include:

  • Name;
  • Contact details;
  • Date of birth;
  • Next of kin information;
  • Proof of identification and right to work in Australia;
  • Recruitment and employment checks, such as references;
  • Information about any current or previous criminal convictions;
  • Bank account details, superannuation fund details and tax file number;
  • Records of holidays or other periods of absence;
  • Still, moving and audio images;
  • Personal demographics, including gender, race, ethnic origin, and marital status;
  • Professional registration, accreditation and qualifications, including education and training history;
  • Appraisals, suspensions, disciplinary actions and other performance measures;
  • Professional insurance arrangements;
  • Health information relevant to your employment, including physical health, mental health, absence history (including information relevant to your parental leave arrangements), vaccination record, whether you have a disability or require any additional support or adjustments for your employment;
  • Information relating to your health and safety at work, and any incidents, accidents or dangerous occurrences;
  • Information relating to employee relations involving you, for example claims, grievances, complaints, internal investigations and disciplinary proceedings; and
  • Any other personal information you share with us.

5. How do we collect your information?

5.1.   Information you provide to us:

Where practicable, we will collect your personal information directly from you. For example, you will be asked to share personal information with us when you apply for a job with GenesisCare, or during onboarding when you start work at GenesisCare.

5.2. Information someone else provides to us:

Sometimes we will need to collect information about you from third parties, including but not limited to recruiters, security clearance providers, your referees and former employers, family members or other staff members. This may be necessary to assess or confirm your suitability to work at GenesisCare, to support your wellbeing, or to assess your performance.

5.3.  Information we collect as you work:

We may collect or generate information about you as you work, including monitoring your use of GenesisCare equipment and email to ensure compliance with our policies. We may also operate video surveillance systems at our facilities for the purpose of maintaining the safety of our staff, patients and other persons visiting our premises.

6. Why do we collect your information?

We collect, use and store personal information about our prospective, current and former staff in order to carry out our business activities and legal obligations.

Specifically, we collect and use your personal information to support the following purposes:

  • Communicate with you about the recruitment process;
  • Pre-employment screening, to assess your skills, qualifications, legal right to work in Australia, suitability for the role and to conduct related security and reference checks;
  • Providing you with the appropriate tools, equipment, systems, resources and access to support to carry out your tasks effectively and safely;
  • Administering payroll and providing other compensation and benefits;
  • Processing corporate expenses and reimbursements;
  • Facilitating employee relocations and international assignments;
  • Using your personal information within our systems, operations and communications so that GenesisCare employees (including employees within other GenesisCare groups), health care professionals, suppliers, patients and any other party we share information with for our business purposes, know who you are and are able to contact you;
  • Promoting the GenesisCare brand, including providing information about the GenesisCare company, team and our services;
  • Conducting employee surveys;
  • Support the reporting and investigation of any incidents, near misses, complaints or concerns;
  • Supporting your professional development, and ensuring you are up to date with education and training appropriate to your role;
  • Undertaking reviews of your performance;
  • Monitoring your compliance with policies and procedures;
  • Conducting disciplinary investigations and administering employee grievance, claims and litigation;
  • Managing employee termination;
  • Audit and compliance purposes;
  • Managing mergers, acquisitions and divestitures, including sharing information with select third parties in connection with a prospective sale, transfer or disposal of any relevant part of our business;
  • For other purposes directly related to your employment with GenesisCare;
  • For purposes otherwise permitted or required by law; and
  • Other purposes with your consent.

7. What happens if you withhold your information?

If you do not provide your personal information to us when requested, we may be unable to carry out the purposes described above, which may cause us to be non-compliant with our legal obligations or unable to carry out certain business activities.

We will tell you about the implications of your decision, which will depend on your role, location and the type of personal information you withhold.

8. Sharing your information with third parties

There are certain limited circumstances when we may need to share your personal information with third parties outside of GenesisCare. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Auditors undertaking investigations;
  • Regulators during enquiries, investigations and reporting;
  • External service providers and advisors who help us run our business, including software vendors and IT service providers;
  • Professional advisors to GenesisCare, including legal, human resources, industrial relations, accounting and insurance service providers;
  • Travel agents and suppliers of accommodation and travel services; and
  • Where you have given our details as a referee for another role, we will confirm dates and nature of employment to a prospective employer in a reference.

9. Information relating to safety and security

Where CCTV cameras are in use at GenesisCare facilities, we may collect still or video footage of your activities for safety and security purposes. We will normally let you know if CCTV cameras are in use within a facility. Also as detailed in the Acceptable Use of Technology Systems Policy on a continuous and ongoing basis, GenesisCare will, in accordance with applicable laws, carry out IT surveillance of data transmitted on or communications or interactions using GenesisCare technology systems. We may occasionally require access to this information for our legitimate business purposes, such as investigating incidents and applicable laws.  We have processes in place to ensure this information is only accessed where necessary.  If you have any questions, contact GenesisCare’s Privacy Officer at Privacy@genesiscare.com.au.

10. Securing your information and transfers overseas

We hold staff personal information electronically and in hard copy form, both at our own premises and with the assistance of our external service providers who provide data storage, hosting and cloud computing services. In all cases we implement a range of measures to protect the security of that personal information. Please note that any information that you send to us by electronic means may not be secure in transit unless it is encrypted. We are not responsible for the security of your information before it comes into our possession.


GenesisCare maintains appropriate levels of security to protect personal information from accidental or unlawful access, use, disclosure, alteration, loss or destruction. We also takes steps to ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity, availability and resilience of its networks and systems. For example:

  • our systems are protected by firewalls and modern encryption standards
  • systems are password protected, and access is monitored and audited
  • personnel are required to adhere to IT and security policies
  • access to the personal information we store is limited to those staff members who have a legitimate business requirement to use it
  • we make privacy and information security training available to employees
  • we have a data breach management procedure in place
  • information is backed up regularly, and backups are encrypted and held in secure storage facilities


Where we share your personal information with any third party and/or your personal information is transferred outside of the jurisdiction where you are employed or engaged, we will enter into confidentiality obligations with the third party and take reasonable steps to ensure they meet our privacy and security expectations.

11. Accessing and correcting your information

You may request access to personal information we hold about you by contacting your People & Culture Business Partner (for current staff) or by contacting our Privacy Officer (using the contact details below).

Please also let us know if your personal details change, or if you notice any errors or discrepancies in the information we hold about you.

We may ask you to verify your identity when you make an access or correction request. There may also be circumstances in which we will not be able to comply with your request (in which case we will explain why and what other options may be available to you).

12. Questions and complaints

If you have questions relating to this notice or wish to make a complaint about our handling of your personal information, please contact our Privacy Officer in writing, using the contact details set out below. Please give us a reasonable time to consider and respond (which may be up to 30 days).

If we are unable to satisfactorily resolve your concern or complaint, you may wish to contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC). Contact details for the OAIC can be found at the OAIC’s website: www.oaic.gov.au.

13. Contact details

You may contact our Privacy Officer in relation to any matters covered by this notice using the following contact details:

Email: (preferred)



Buildings 1 & 11, The Mill
41-43 Bourke Road
Alexandria, NSW, 2015


1800 325 100

14. Updates to this notice

We may review and update this notice from time-to-time. A copy of the latest version of this notice will be available at www.genesiscare.com.

This version of the notice is correct as at 23 April 2024.