- Our Doctors
- Dr Rodrigo Diaz

Dr Rodrigo Diaz
RANZCR, Radiation Oncologist
At GenesisCare, I work closely with a dedicated team to ensure we take a multidisciplinary approach with patient care. We use advanced radiation techniques to deliver the best possible care to our patients.
Languages spoken
English, Spanish
Clinical interests
Clinical interest in breast, skin, central nervous system (CNS), and haematological malignancies, plus general palliative radiation therapy.
Dr Rodrigo Diaz received his medical degree from the University of Chile, Santiago de Chile in 2001 and completed his residency in Radiation Oncology at University of Valparaiso in 2005. He is currently board certified in Radiation Oncology by the Chilean Certification of Medical Specialties (CONACEM). Alongside his medical training, he also completed a Master of Health Care Management focusing on innovative leadership and strategic perspective in 2015.
He subsequently undertook specialist training in Radiation Oncology in Australia and was awarded fellowship to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (FRANZCR) in January 2021. After that, he undertook a postgraduate fellowship in advanced techniques of Radiotherapy (SRS, SABR) at Westmead Hospital for 12 months.
He has occupied consultant positions at The Canberra Hospital and Westmead Hospital between 2022-2023 gaining experience in different tumour streams.

Research interests
During his postgraduate fellowship at Westmead Hospital Dr Diaz had the pleasure to initiate a pilot study of preoperative SRS for brain metastases.
Professional memberships

- Rodrigo Diaz, Julan Amalaseelan, Louise Imlay-Gillespie. "Plasmablastic lymphoma masquerading solitary plasmacytoma in an immunocompetent patient". BMJ Case Rep. 2018 Oct 21; 2018: bcr2018225374.
- “Prognostic value of pre-treatment systemic inflammatory markers in glioblastoma multiforme patients”. Poster presentation at the Radiation Oncology Summit: ACRO 2018, Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
- José Solis C, Rodrigo Díaz B, Mónica Silva V, Marielisa León, et al. “Cáncer Cérvicouterino Estadio IIIB tratado con radioquimioterapia concomitante basada en cisplatino: Experiencia inicial de Hospital Carlos Van Buren”. Rev Chil Obstet Ginecol 2007; 72 (1): 11-19
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