
Yulia's story - Daughter and Father both diagnosed with breast cancer

Yulia's story - Daughter and Father both diagnosed with breast cancer



Russian born Yulia was living in Berkshire, having graduated with a Master’s Degree in International Event Management, married with a young daughter - life was good. However things changed dramatically when she noticed a lump in her breast and received a devasting diagnosis of breast cancer. Yulia’s diagnosis made her determined to raise awareness of breast cancer signs and symptoms, which led to a completely unexpected outcome. By being open and discussing her condition, her father was able to use this knowledge to detect his own breast cancer, enabling him to catch it at an early stage and access treatment quickly. 

Russian born Yulia was living in Berkshire, having graduated with a Master’s Degree in International Event Management, married with a young daughter - life was good. However things changed dramatically when she noticed a lump in her breast and received a devasting diagnosis of breast cancer. Yulia’s diagnosis made her determined to raise awareness of breast cancer signs and symptoms, which led to a completely unexpected outcome. By being open and discussing her condition, her father was able to use this knowledge to detect his own breast cancer, enabling him to catch it at an early stage and access treatment quickly. 

Yulia has shared her story with us to encourage both men and women to know their bodies, check their breasts regularly and act quickly if they have concerns.

After finding her breast lump, Yulia was offered a same day appointment at GenesisCare’s One Stop Breast Clinic in Windsor with Miss Dominika Predolac, for a combined consultation, scan and biopsy. Scan results on the day showed concerns and a biopsy was taken. A few days later, results showed Yulia had triple negative breast cancer, and a further test revealed she was carrying the BRCA1 gene. A treatment pathway of lumpectomy, chemotherapy, followed by double mastectomy and ovary removal was recommended.

Yulia told us “I was so relieved to be seen quickly and the staff at GenesisCare in Windsor helped me remain calm. I know we don’t want to think about things like cancer, in case in some strange way we make it happen, but of course that isn’t true. My message to all women, and men, is to make sure you know your body and get any concerns checked, as knowledge and awareness is so important against cancer!

I was lucky to have the support of GenesisCare’s Clinical Nurse Specialist Elaine, who helped me process the news with such empathy and knowledge. While I remember the devastation, I also recall feeling I was in the safest place for my care, which began quickly after my diagnosis. With a mixed background of Ashkenazi Jewish and Ukranian from my father and Russian from my mother, I’ve since learned this may have been a contributing factor to my diagnosis, as one in 40 Ashkenazi Jewish have a BRCA mutation, approximately 10 times greater risk than the general population.” 

One Stop Breast Clinics

We specialise in breast health, screening and early detection of breast disease ­– offering fast, direct access to a consultant and diagnostic tests and scans so you can get answers as soon as possible.

Yulia also received on-site counselling, and reflexology as part of the integrative cancer care available at GenesisCare and felt they really helped her, with the gym sessions helping with side effects and bringing back a sense of normality.

GenesisCare’s Clinical Nurse Specialist, Elaine adds “it was a privilege to support Yulia throughout her cancer treatment and follow up care. It means so much to know that the support provided was so beneficial to her." 

With the reassurance of regular follow ups with Miss Predolac, Yulia’s looking forward to restarting her career in events management, after taking some time out to raise her daughter.

Reflecting on her journey, Yulia is so pleased that her knowledge helped her dad get the treatment he needed. Her advice is no matter how scary booking a diagnostic test may seem, it’s always better to know what to look for and book that appointment - it might just save you and even someone close to you.

If you’re concerned about a lump or change in your breasts, it’s important to book an appointment with a clinic or GP as soon as possible. Our rapid access breast diagnostic clinics are ran by a multidisciplinary team of breast surgeons, radiologists, pathologists and cancer nurse specialists who help to get the answers you need, without delay. 

Book an appointment

If you have any concerns relating to your breasts, contact us today to speak to our friendly team and to book an appointment at one of our One Stop Breast Clinics.