
I thought I needed surgery for my prostate cancer, but radiotherapy was more effective AND non-invasive

I thought I needed surgery for my prostate cancer, but radiotherapy was more effective AND non-invasive

Despite not experiencing symptoms, Ian, a retired engineer from Stratford Upon Avon, was diagnosed with prostate cancer in July 2023.

Ian explains “I’ve been under the care of an endocrinologist for almost 50 years after being diagnosed with a benign tumour on my pituitary gland in 1975. I’m used to lots of blood tests and knew because of the treatment I was on, that a PSA blood test was part of my annual checks. To be honest, I’m quite blase about them, and never paid attention to my PSA results.”

In June 2023, Ian was surprised to receive a call from his endocrinologist suggesting he see his GP for a repeat PSA blood test after she detected an increase in PSA levels from 2.4 to 6.8.

Ian continues, “My wife Veronica and I didn’t think too much of it at the time and thought the increase would be due to an enlarged prostate or something.”

Veronica adds: “Whilst it was a shock, we weren’t too worried as Ian had no symptoms. We googled his PSA result, as you do, and didn’t think it was too bad.”

However, after seeing his GP and having another PSA blood test, Ian was sent for an MRI scan and advised he’d need further investigations.

I was told I needed a prostate biopsy so I asked - if I needed surgery as a result, how soon I’d be able to have an op. I was told there’d be at least a 9 month wait, and they suggested if I had private health insurance, I could use that and be seen quicker. That’s when we started to do some research.

We had a friend who’d recently had a radical prostatectomy with a long recovery time, and I didn’t want that. I read about robotic Retzius-sparing surgery, a minimally invasive technique involving the use of a surgical robot to remove the prostate gland. In researching this, we came across the consultant Mr Philip Charlesworth. Having read his CV and his experience, we could see he was at the cutting-edge of things and this helped me decide where I wanted to go.

I saw Mr Charlesworth at the GenesisCare centre in Windsor where he performed a prostate biopsy under local anaesthetic, and the results confirmed I had prostate cancer. We’d gone from thinking I’d be told I had an enlarged prostate to being told there was something really wrong. Mr Charlesworth told me my Gleason score was 9, so whilst we’d thought my PSA was low, I actually had an aggressive grade of cancer.”

Ian had a PSMA PET-CT scan to check whether the cancer was confined to his prostate or had spread, to help identify the best course of action and develop a personalised treatment plan for him.

Mr Charlesworth explains: “Sometimes in complex medical problems, particularly cancer, the most important step is to get access to someone who specialises in your specific problem, so you can get the best and most up to date advice, diagnostic tests and treatment which suits you as an individual. Ian initially travelled to the GenesisCare centre in Windsor and was able to access the latest prostate biopsy technology and PSMA PET-CT scanning.

Based on his diagnosis, I knew surgery wasn’t the best treatment for Ian, but through the network of GenesisCare prostate cancer experts, I connected Ian to Dr Dan Ford at the GenesisCare centre in Birmingham, which was closer to home for him, to receive the best radiotherapy treatment for his needs.”

Ian continues, “My first appointment with Dr Ford was a game changer where we discussed radiotherapy and when it might start. He recommended I have a rectal spacer insertion before starting treatment to help minimise side effects of the radiotherapy, and I saw Mr Charlesworth again who performed the insertion under local anaesthetic.

My diagnosis came as a total shock.  Prostate cancer hadn’t even been on my radar.

Veronica adds “Emotionally, it was almost a comfort knowing Ian was going to start his treatment. Even during our first meeting with Dr Ford, I felt that a huge weight had been lifted in that the issue was in the capable hands of Dr Ford and his team and that Ian could not be better placed.”

Of his treatment, Ian told us: “I had 20 radiotherapy sessions over the course of 4 weeks (a session a day, Monday to Friday). I made sure I ate the right diet, so I didn’t suffer with gas or constipation during my treatment, and I exercised every morning.

Each appointment lasted about 20 minutes, but the radiotherapy itself was delivered in about 2 minutes. The rest of the time was making sure I was in the right position.”

Veronica adds "Initially, I assumed that I’d be driving Ian to and from his treatment, but GenesisCare provided a driver to pick him up and bring him home each day. That was fantastic as I could make sure Ian came back to a warm house, something to eat and a calm environment to rest in.”

Ian said: “All the staff at GenesisCare were great. I had very few side effects during treatment other than a little skin soreness, needing to urinate more frequently and fatigue, but it was all very straightforward.

I know a lot of people have difficulties coping with a cancer diagnosis, but I didn’t feel depressed about it. I did go through the ‘why me’ phase but I think everyone does. Veronica and I are always open with each other and talk about our feelings and I don’t take that support for granted.”

Ian continues; “I saw Dr Ford a few weeks ago and my PSA is undetectable. I’ll carry on with the hormone therapy for another 12 months and I have my PSA checked every 3 months. Life has basically returned to normal.”

Dr Ford explains “Ian had standard radiotherapy to the prostate over 4 weeks. Having met with Ian and his wife for a follow-up consultation in August, his PSA is unrecordable which is great news. I’m delighted Ian is doing so well and the GenesisCare UK team have been able to come together to provide him with the care and support he needed.”

Ian concludes: “With GenesisCare everything feels joined up in terms of treatment, advice, booking appointments, keeping track of things, etc. You have access to people who are providing cutting edge treatments and are prepared to say if they don’t think something’s right for you. I feel very fortunate to have found the right people and have the right treatment!