Leading diagnostic imaging jobs

At GenesisCare, our imaging specialists play a vital role in delivering exceptional care to our patients. They are essential members of our collaborative teams, working closely with patients throughout their healthcare journey.

We’re leading the way in diagnostics, utilising state-of-the-art techniques and technology such as MRI (including fMRI and  mpMRI), PET-CT, SPECT-CT, CT and mammography (including tomosynthesis and stereotactic vacuum assisted biopsy), and our diagnostic teams also contribute to clinical trials.

Our team of diagnostic experts comprises skilled professionals in various fields, including:

  1. Mammographers
  2. Diagnostic radiographers (MRI and CT)
  3. PET-CT radiographers
  4. Theranostics and imaging specialists.

Join our imaging specialists today

Why work with us?

We recognise the important role diagnostic imaging provides to our patients and teams, that’s why we offer support to attend imaging conferences and paid professional registration/membership fees.

Our benefits

Investing in our employees to support professional development and growth is what we’re passionate about. We are dedicated to encouraging all our employees to achieve their goals, while providing support for their careers at GenesisCare and their personal lives. That's why choosing to join us is a rewarding career decision.

Employee stories

Employee stories

Diagnostic imaging in cancer care

Want to know more about what it’s like to work at GenesisCare? Check out some of the stories from our teams.