
Ten tips to support someone living with cancer

Ten tips to support someone living with cancer

Cancer is a common disease that affects many Australians. With an estimated 450 new cases of cancer diagnosed every day in Australia in 20231, it’s likely that you currently know someone or will know someone in the future who has received a cancer diagnosis.

When we hear about a friend, colleague, or family member with a cancer diagnosis, it can be tricky to know how to support them. We reached out to the GenesisCare Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) – a group of people with lived experience of cancer – to share their advice for practical and thoughtful ways to support those in your life who have recently been diagnosed with cancer.  

Offer to help out with everyday tasks

1. Take on some household jobs: Offering to mow the lawn, weed the garden, help with cleaning or any other chores around the house, can provide relief when they are feeling fatigued.

2. Support shopping needs: Offer to pick up groceries or other items from the store, collect online orders, or drive them to the shops if they aren’t feeling up to the task.

3. Help with pet care: Some people may experience changes to their energy levels or sense of smell during cancer treatment, so offering to exercise or wash their dog or take care of their pets in other ways, may be appreciated.

Help keep their bodies nourished

4. Deliver a dish: Prepare and drop over a healthy, homemade meal that they can enjoy without having to worry about cooking while undergoing treatment.

5. Gift a grocery store or meal delivery service voucher: Help take some of the thinking out of meal preparation by providing the convenience of home delivered groceries, or fully prepared and nourishing meals from a delivery service such as Uber Eats or Menulog.

6. Organise a massage voucher: Some people may want time alone after receiving their diagnosis and may find a massage relaxing and soothing. 

Let them know that you’re thinking of them

7. Send a thoughtful text message: A simple message letting them know you’re thinking of them – without expecting a response – can show your care and support.

8. Gift a practical ‘Treatment Bag’: Create a care package with essentials such as a water bottle, cosy socks, hand warmers, a notebook and pen, as well as other thoughtful items that might be useful.

9. Invite them along to a group activity: Even if they can’t fully participate, getting involved in activities such as walking groups, dragon boating, and book clubs, can provide a sense of community, camaraderie, and help improve physical and mental wellbeing. 

10. Suggest the idea of a ‘Feelings Day’: Send a calendar with the suggestion that they mark one day each week where they can allow themselves to feel bad. This idea comes from one of the CAC members who shared that this concept gave her a way of experiencing all her feelings without dwelling on them, with the knowledge and support from close friends and family about what to expect on those days.

At GenesisCare, we understand how important support from loved ones and the broader community can be during the cancer journey. We are privileged to listen and learn from our valued CAC members and are grateful to share their top tips with you. We hope these ideas help you support others and leave you with the knowledge that even simple gestures can make a big difference.

Learn more about how you can support someone with cancer while also looking after yourself.